In the realm of brands, branding shapes human perception around familiarity and attraction, significantly fostering loyal consumers and increasing sales. It’s crucial to comprehend how people think; brands that overlook this miss the chance to make authentic connections with their customers.

As marketers, our role is simple: persuade customers to pay more, switch to our brand, or purchase more frequently. Ultimately, it boils down to behaviour change.

Let’s delve into some common mistakes brands make in understanding people and human behaviour:

Self-Boasting Tactics: Brands often mimic individuals trying to impress by bombarding their audience with monotonous accomplishments. This self-bragging approach can lead to brand boasting and create a perception of being unrelatable.

Following the Herd: Copying what every other brand does results in a lack of uniqueness, causing brands to get lost in the crowd and diminish human connection.

Mimicking Successful Brands: Trying to emulate successful brands’ strategies may lead to a lack of differentiation. While features and copy can be copied, the essence of a brand cannot.

Neglecting Emotional Communication: Many platforms and products claim outcomes without addressing emotional needs. Effective communication must cater to the emotional requirements of the customer for tangible results.

Failure to Evolve: Neglecting to adapt the brand to new age requirements, such as relatability and adaptability, may make brands perceived as static and emotionless.

Not Being Customer-Centric: Following the Coca-Cola approach of not being a customer-centric brand and solely showcasing happiness-themed ads. This can hinder transparent communication and addressing consumer concerns, missing the opportunity to build trust.

Ignoring Consumer Feedback: Not listening to consumers and making empty promises can make a brand appear unrelatable. Addressing consumer concerns is crucial for building trust.

Misalignment with Customer Aspirations: Not aligning with customer aspirations can lead to a lack of resonance on a personal level. Understanding and aligning with customer aspirations is essential for brand success.

Neglecting Customer Happiness: Failing to focus on making customers happy and incorporating feedback may result in low referrals and word-of-mouth. Positive experiences are powerful in building brand awareness.

Lack of Genuine Connections: Brands that do not prioritize fostering genuine connections and communities miss the opportunity to position themselves as relationship experts.

Ignoring Customer Desires and Values: Focusing on products/services without considering customer desires and values can result in a lack of meaningful relationships.

Not Highlighting Qualities: Neglecting to emphasize qualities through features and benefits to create a positive brand image can confuse consumers and delay purchase decisions.

Ineffective Brand Messaging: Brand messaging that does not reflect the self-image of the customer’s aspirational lifestyle can lead to low resonance.

Neglecting Positive Experiences: Brands that don’t prioritize positive experiences miss out on word-of-mouth recommendations and may have low awareness.

Failure to Prioritize Universal Appeal: Neglecting to prioritize creating positive experiences and universal appeal may prevent becoming a brand that everyone talks about.

Lack of Clear Advantages: Not establishing clear advantages over the competition can confuse customers and impact purchase decisions.

Irregular Measurement of Consumer Perceptions: Failing to measure consumer perceptions and brand health regularly can lead to ineffective strategies.

Avoiding Weakness Acknowledgment: Not admitting weaknesses can make other claims less believable. Acknowledging weaknesses is a tangible demonstration of honesty.

No Intent for Consumer Education: Not executing campaigns to educate consumers about the brand results in low customer attention.

Underutilizing the Scope of Integration: Neglecting the scope of becoming a part of customers’ lives by capitalizing on their habits can limit brand engagement.

Ignoring the Social Side: Brands that don’t indulge in storytelling miss out on leveraging the power of stories to connect with people.

Underutilizing Stories: Some brands fail to realize the power of stories and opt for boring messages instead of engaging storytelling.

Ignoring Cultural Differences: Neglecting to understand different cultures and how they affect people’s behaviour may alienate potential customers.

Neglecting Brain Biases: Forgetting how our brains work and not understanding their biases may make brands appear unrelatable.

In conclusion, brands aiming to thrive must adopt a holistic understanding of human behaviour. By avoiding these common mistakes, a brand can forge deeper connections and resonate authentically with its audience, paving the way for success in a competitive landscape. A brand that truly understands its audience becomes more than a product or service provider; it becomes a companion in the journey of its consumers.

Are you seeking solutions to tackle these mistakes related to human behaviour? Don’t worry; I am here to help. Let’s chat today!

By: Ankeeta M