Supporting a client as a brand strategist goes beyond the strategic and creative aspects; it involves understanding and addressing their psychological and emotional needs. However, what happens when a client claims to understand everything during discussions only to express dissatisfaction later?

Build trust so they don’t hesitate to come to you with their doubts and dilemmas. They rather reach out to you than seek brand advice elsewhere. Treat them like a 3-year-old baby who knows nothing about branding and marketing. This way, you will learn to lay a clear foundation for your clients. It may be a tough journey, but trust me, in the end, it will be a journey worth taking and will allow you to become a true brand partner.

When trying to understand their business, you must do your homework. But what is more important is asking many questions. This may showcase you as a person who is unsure about your client’s business. However, in the end, you can gather the smallest details they may miss sharing otherwise.

Run at the pace your client can walk along; this synchrony is vital for realistic and achievable results. Even Bill Gates was not born a successful businessman. He climbed the ladder of success over the years at a pace comfortable enough to leap. At the start, he would have never even dreamt of having a Microsoft suite, but now he has.

In the beginning, every entrepreneur comes with lots of energy. Utilize their power from the beginning to collaborate and be a part of the process to make it successful. Celebrate small wins like great milestones; this will help maintain a positive atmosphere for your client to be motivated to push boundaries.

Be patient and flexible – Building a brand takes time, and the entrepreneur’s sight evolves. Adapting the brand strategy to accommodate changes while ensuring it stays true to the core values will lead to success.

Starting is important! Budget, whether big or small, is not the bone of contention. Trust me, just motivate them to start. We all want to get better at whatever we do, and what makes this possible is regular feedback and input to improve gradually.

Clients often lack the commitment to implement and struggle to commit the necessary resources or follow through on the strategy, affecting its impact on the brand. This is the time to go slow; while this might impact short-term goals a bit, it will be real fun once they learn to overcome the struggle.

Encourage your clients to practice self-care, maintain a healthy work-life balance, and take breaks when needed to prevent burnout. Clearly explain the reasoning behind your recommendations and involve the client in significant decisions to ensure they feel in control and confident about the direction of their brand.

Break the processes into smaller tasks. This has helped me bridge the gap of mismatched expectations, lack of clarity towards goals, resistance to evolve, and coming out of the comfort zone.

Remember that every client is unique, and the level of physiological support needed may vary. Combining your strategic expertise with genuine empathy and emotional intelligence can create a positive and supportive environment for your clients as they embark on the brand-building journey.

By: Ankeeta M